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Need Leads Australia - An Australian Owned Telemarketing Company

Need Leads Australia is an Australian owned & operated telemarketing company who offers telemarketing and other lead generation services to Australian business owners and also companies world wide. 


Our Australian team of dedicated telemarketing staff strive daily to provide the highest quality sales leads and telemarketing services available on the Australian market which meet up to the best possible Australian standards. We are currently growing and changing with the markets as well as setting new telemarketing trends to wow our clients and their sales teams. 


Being an Australian owned telemarketing company we take great pride in helping other Australian businesses create their dream of building the most successful company possible. Our telemarketing company assists you with providing the best telemarketing services for your company which will in turn assist your companies growth and productivity. 


Using an Australian owned & operated telemarketing company is important to keeping jobs within Australia and growing our economy. It is also more beneficial to your company as you are being represented by Australians within Australia which comes across as being more reputable to your prospects. 


There's two key reasons to support Australian owned & operated companies – profits stay within Australia and jobs are created for Australians. If every Australian redirects $10 per week from foreign owned companies and foreign made items to Australian products, Australia would save $4 billion per year and create 100,000 new jobs. (Source: Ausbuy)


Foreign ownership of Australian companies has doubled in the past decade. The money leaving Australia to foreign interests reached $12 billion in 1999. (Source: Sun Herald 17 September 2000). The following list of Australian food categories list the level of foreign ownership).


Food Category

% foreign ownership

Food Category

 % foreign ownership



Bread (major)


Baby food 


Breakfast cereals


Baked Beans




Beef Processing


Frozen Vegetables




Meat Pies




Pet Food






Need Leads Australia happens to be 100% Australian owned, the owner of Need Leads Australia is a local Gold Coast woman Sheryse Currey who grew up in the small town of Warragamba near Sydney NSW. Sheryse developed a productive and affordable way to provide Australian telemarketing services to Australian business owners which wouldn't break the bank. Sheryse worked for an Australian investment firm running their telemarketing lead generation campaigns for around 7 years where she developed many lead generation campaigns and began running her own Australian owned telemarketing company based on her experience. 


Our Australian owned telemarketing company provides work for many mums, students, and Australians of all ages and backgrounds. 


Being Australian owned does not mean that your marketing services will cost you top dollar, many Australian owned marketing companies have the technology available to make your business marketing costs a lot less these days however many Australian owned telemarketing companies either do not access the technology or do not pass on the savings to their customers.


The benefits of dealing with an Australian owned marketing company is that you are dealing with Australians who understand the Australian market, what an Australian business needs from telemarketing, online marketing or any other marketing service and you also know that they are liable to operate under Australian laws which makes doing business with Australian owned and operated companies more secure for you.



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