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Telemarketing is an important tool for all business owners who are looking for fresh qualified sales leads for their business. A consistant fresh lead source for your business, telemarketing offers reliability and a great ROI.

Simple Set Up



Meeting targets is a must for any telemarketing campaign and equal with ensuring the highest quality leads. 


A telemarketing team is required to provide the highest quality leads and enough of them to ensure that the sales team have enough leads to close in order to meet their targets. 


Need Leads Australia apply the right amount of staff to get the job done efficiently and on time. We also ensure that fresh leads are always being used by our telemarketing agents to ensure that they have the best tools available to get the job done.


Since we mine our own data, leads are always bountiful and fresh for our agents making their job much easier and our target market much larger compared to many other telemarketing companies.

Providing the highest quality telemarketing services to our clients is our number one priority. 


Many telemarketing companies confuse telemarketing with sales. This is where the quality of many telemarketing services is lacking as telemarketing is simply marketing via the telephone so there should be no pushy sales techniques involved here. 


A quality telemarketing service will simply sort through the interested and non interested prospects who meet the quality requirements and forward the leads on to the sales team for closing.


We train our telemarketing agents thoroughly and regularly to ensure that the highest quality standards are always being met. And we also offer a replacement policy.



Need Leads Australia offers a simple & seamless set up for your telemarketing needs and our goal is to get your telemarketing campaign up and running as quickly and efficiently as possible.


We can either customize a telemarketing campaign to your needs or simply set the telemarketing campaign up for you based on industry standards. 


Simply let us know what you wish to run a telemarketing campaign for and we will take care of the rest for you.


We understand that you are hiring us as professionals to take care of your telemarketing needs for you and act accordingly taking the stress away from the set up process and allowing you to focus on more important things.





Telemarketing has always been a great lead source for businesses and it's not going away anytime soon. Putting your sales team or yourself in direct contact with prospects who are interested in your products and services, is priceless.


Sales leads generated via telemarketing are valuable and our telemarketing agents also know that the sales person needs a quality lead in order to convert it to a sale and this makes qualifying one of our biggest priorities simply because if you are getting more sales then we are both growing together.  We also offer high quality appointment setting services


Our telemarketing teams are made up of fully trained telemarketing agents and will be trained according to your business goals, products and services to ensure a high quality lead generation services for your business. We have based our pricing for our telemarketing services differently so you can select from the following pricing options for your telemarketing services. 


Pay Per Lead Telemarketing From $20 per lead


Pay Per Hour Outbound Telemarketing From $30 per hour per agent 


Pay Per Appointment From $50 per appointment


Pay Per Hour Appointment Setting 


Industry Leads


For more information on each telemarketing pricing options please simply click on the link above of the one you are interested in or Contact Us  for more information. 


How Can Telemarketing Help My Business?


Telemarketing isn't only about getting leads, it's about the type of leads you are getting compared to other lead generation options. With telemarketing you are activley seeking out individuals and educating them on your products and/or services to enable them to make a decision if they would be interested in learning more and perhaps even purchasing your products and/or services opening up your market to people who would not necissarily be activley searching for you as well as those who may be thinking about purchasing already, and those who are already activley looking getting quotes ect. 


So with telemarketing your business is focusing on the entire market and bringing in those potential customers whom you would otherwise not have heard from or made contact with. Telemarketing is also a great way to start when building a relationship with the customer as they are receiving a personal approach from the get go. 


Telemarketing can help your business increase productivity and sales dramatically, builds a positive lead source for your sales team, and will in turn build more revenue for your business. Telemarketing can also bring awareness to your other advertising techniques to make them more affective as well.



Is Telemarketing Right For Me?


If you are looking to generate more leads for your business, increase sales & revenue, and create a fresh quality lead source for your sales team then YES! Telemarketing is right for you. Telemarketing doesn't rule out other options however such as online marketing, and other advertising methods it simply creates a solid and reliable flow of high quality leads for your business. 


Telemarketing also brings attention to your other advertising techniques and can send more people to your website and more. Telemarketing is right for any type of business as it allows a human telemarketing agent to connect personally on behalf of your company with a potential customer to present your products and services to them.


Now all of this doesn't necessarily mean you will be any good at telemarketing yourself as very few business owners and sales people enjoy doing their own telemarketing, lead generation or appointment setting so thats where Need Leads Australia can step in and get your telemarketing done for you! 


Is Telemarketing Hard Work?


Telemarketing is hard work, and our telemarketing agents are dedicated to the task overcoming the negatives daily and pushing through to ensure our clients needs are met not only with the targets allocated but also with the quality of the leads being produced. 


Having a telemarketing team for your business in house that you run yourself is hard work and is like a business all in it's own or at least a full time job which is why most business owners choose to outsource telemarketing to reliableAustralian owned and operated telemarketing companies based in Australia like ours to simplify the process and take the stress of it away from your busienss whilst ensuring a high quality and reliable service.


Can  I Run My Own Telemarketing Team?


Of course you can but it will be pretty much a full time job to receive premium results. Telemarketing agents need constant encouragment, motivation and support to be able to do their job to their full potential. If you do choose to do your own telemarketing in house we can also help you out with this with our marketing lists and semi exclusive leads for your telemarketing agents to help you acheive the best results possible. 


I Just Want Leads Do I Need To Have A Telemarketing Campaign? 


The telemarketing campaigns are for those wanting a regular supply of fresh exclusive leads, we do however offer semi exclusive leads which have been sold once before but have been fully qualified via telemarketing and are interested in the product or service they were qualified for. 


You would need to check out our Industry Leads section of our website to see if we have the type of leads you are looking for available, some industries may be able to be used for multiple business types for instance if you just require leads who are home owners, our solar leads are all qualified home owners as well. 


Can I Customize My Telemarketing Campaign?


Yes in fact we encourage you to customize your telemarketing campaign as it is very important for us and our telemarketing agents to deliver leads which are qualified exactly as you want and need them to be. Qualifying leads is the most important part of the telemarketing process and so when you customize a campaign you are essentially taking the time to let us know exactly what you expect from a sales lead. 


This way our telemarketing agents can provide the best possible sales leads for you and your business. You can also make changes throughout your campaign, if you have not used telemarketing for your business before as you go along you will surley come up with more quality requirements as you go along. 


Are All Telemarketing Companies The Same?


Our telemarketing company is different to many other telemarketing companies as we mine our own data so we do always have the best and most fresh leads available for our telemarketing agents, which is why we generally find that clients will turn to Need Leads Australia from other telemarketing companies when their industry becomes tough. Usually this is becuase the client is frustrated and asks friends in the industry where they are getting leads from, word of mouth is a very big part of our business. 


All telemarketing companies are pretty different some focus on quality, some on quantity, and some have your best interests at heart where others dont, we beleive what makes the best telemarketing company is balance, strategy and the want for a long term business relationship with all of our clients no matter how large or small.


Please Contact Us for all of your telemarketing needs today!

Telemarketing For Your Business

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