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Merchant Cash Advance Sales Lead Generation



Need Leads Australia can generate custom merchant cash advance sales leads for your business using the script below or a customized script to better suit your needs! All of our merchant cash advance sales leads are fresh and exclusive leads sold only to you! Complete with our replacement policy so you will never pay for an unqualified lead again.


Merchant Cash Advance Sales Lead Generation Script




Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Mr./Mrs./Ms ____________ my name is ____________because your business accepts Visa, your eligible to a new program that provides immediate funding for any business purpose.


Could you use some money/Working Capital/Funds? If Yes


I’m glad we had a chance to speak. Every day I speak with many business owners and I like helping people. Tell me a bit about your business.


What will you use the money for?
1. Reduce or retire debt.
2. Purchase new, needed equipment or merchandise.
3. Expand or remodel your current business.
4. Buy a new additional location.
5. Buy out partners.
6. Take advantage of better, volume or special pricing & terms by paying cash.
7. Expand marketing and advertising programs.
8. Fund benefit programs – Insurance, retirement, fund bonus incentives.
9. Prepare for special seasons with inventory and staff.
10. Develop new products and services. Research and development.


Okay now I will tell you that how the program works...


After a simple application process, you will get an advance on your business’s future sales. Repayments are flexible; payments are only made when you make a credit card sale. The repayment of this advance is a % of your daily credit card deposits. There are no personal guarantees or complicated documents.


You must have been in business for 1 year, and have at least $2,500 a month in Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover sales. Many newly purchased businesses that have been in business for over a year will also qualify.

The amount you can receive is based upon an average of your monthly Visa/MasterCard/American Express/ Discover sales.

Unlike our competitors we also look at your American Express and Discover volume. Most Advances fund between $2,500 and $150,000 per location. If you need more, please let me know.

Once approved, you’ll have funds in your bank account in as little as 7 business days. The approval process is very fast: you’ll have your money usually no later than the next business day after we receive all the documents!


I just need to take down some basic information from you and I’ll have the designated account executive from your area give you a call right back.

Company Name: ______________________________________

Full Name: ________________________

Position: _____________________

Email Address: _________________________


And how much do you think you would be looking at borrowing?


Ok great... I will get you some information sent through to your email and one of our reps will give you a call back soon to discuss what we can do for you and your business.



Here's some reasons why our merchant cash advance sales leads are higher quality than our competitors;


  • Our telemarketing agents are trained to only submit leads where the prospect is intersted, if at any point the prospect mentions that they aren't interested in a merchant cash advance or says no then the agent is instructed to end the call and move on to the next one. 


  • All of our merchant cash advance leads are quality checked and all calls are listened to by our qualification team before being submitted to you. 


  • ​Our agents are not allowed to push prospects into answering the questions or receiving a follow up call.


  • We feel so confidant that our leads are the best quality possible that we offer a replacement policy on all of our leads generated under the pay per lead structure. 


  • We take the time and measures needed to ensure the team working on your campaign are properly trained and fully understand the product and/or service you are offering and their job at hand. 



Heres what our merchant cash advance sales leads can do for your merchant cash advance business;



  • Increase profits and sales for your merchant cash advance company.


  • Motivate your sales team by providing higher quality merchant cash advance sales leads leading to more sales being closed. 


  • Increase productivity of your sales team by supplying sellable leads. 


  • Releive stress as the process and delivery of leads is simple easy and reliable.



These are the types of payments we offer for merchant cash advance sales leads;


Pay Per Lead - $20 per sales lead


Pay Per Hour - $16 per hour


* We also offer a 10% Discount for monthly orders. If you would like to take advantage of the monthly discount the please Contact Us and mention it in the email. 


For more information on our merchant cash advance sales leads or to place an order please Contact Us today!

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