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Online Marketing

Having an online presence is very important in this day and age for every business, but many cannot afford the expensive on site SEO to improve their online presence. That is why Need Leads Australia has developed a flawless online marketing campaign to help you get the exposure and online presence you deserve at an affordable rate.

Simple Set Up


Guaranteed Leads

Our affordable online marketing may seem too good to be true but we absolutley guarantee that our online marketing efforts on your behalf will generate you leads & inquires. 


If you do not receive leads and enquiries each and every month then we will simply refund your money in full! 


There is no risk in trying out our online marketing as our guarantee protects you should we not expose your business as well as we claim we can. 


Due to our success with our online marketing we know that if anything you will be wanting to increase your online marketing once you see the dramatic, profitable results we will provide. 

Providing the most affordable marketing tools and services is one of Need Leads Australia's number one goals. 


We strive to supply you and your team with the most affordable, proffessional, and efficient online marketing available on the market. 


Complete with weekly reports on incoming leads, exposure and more, our online marketing strategy will prove itself with its exeptional results and the abundance of incoming leads to your business. 


Our affordable packages below will surley provide an exeptional ROI for your business and allow you to acheive more sales. The affordable packages are great for those just starting out on their own business, sole traders, and even large business's will benefit.



Need Leads Australia offers a simple & seamless set up for your online marketing needs and our goal is to get your online marketing campaign up and running as quickly and efficiently as possible.


We can either customize an online marketing campaign to your needs or simply set the online marketing campaign up for you based on industry standards. 


Simply let us know what you wish to run an online marketing campaign for and we will take care of the rest for you.


We understand that you are hiring us as professionals to take care of your online marketingneeds for you and act accordingly taking the stress away from the set up process and allowing you to focus on more important things.





Need Leads online marketing services are affordable and effective, allowing our clients to be found quickly and effectivley online so that potential customers can visit their website, call them or make contact. Our online marketing combines many online advertising techniques with SEO to help not only optimize your business name and details quickly to be found online by people looking for your products and/or services but also to drive traffic to your website and strengthening your overall online presence.  



Ordering Online Marketing Packages


All of our online marketing packages include the same services the only difference with the packages is the time spent on marketing your business. Obviously the more time spent the bigger and better the results would be. You may start on the lowest package and change at any time should you wish to test the results before committing to a larger package. 



Package 1. Online Marketing 500


Price: $500 per month 


Hours Spent Marketing Your Business: 50 hours 


*Guaranteed Leads



Package 2. Online Marketing 1000


Price: $1,000 per month


Hours Spent Marketing Your Business: 100 hours 


*Guaranteed Leads



Package 3. Online Marketing 2000


Price: $2,000


Hours Spent Marketing Your Business: 200 hours


*Guaranteed Leads


All of our online marketing packages are monthly. We can generally produce instant results in the first few days of marketing online for your business and more substantial results build within the following weeks. This affordable option is as good if not better than any SEO campaigns you may run due to the mulit fauceted approach we take in our online marketing. We not only build a presence on search engines directing to your website but also interact with those looking for your products and services and much more. 


Did you know.... 


"Internet advertising could overtake that on TV by 2011"

Online advertising spending in Australia has soared to more than $2.92 billion. 
Annual figures released by the Advertising Association show Australia's total advertising expenditure in 2006 was more than $19 billion. 

The internet enjoyed the biggest spending upturn between 2005 and 2006 at 47.5 per cent year-on-year to $2.01 billion. 

The internet scooped more than 10 per cent of Australian advertising spend for the first time. 
Print media, which includes all magazines and newspapers, drew the highest advertising spend of 2006 at $8.34 billion - despite a 2.7 per cent year-on-year drop. 

TV advertising spend dropped 4.7 per cent year-on-year to $4.59 billion. This was the first dip in television advertising expenditure since 2001, according to the Advertising Association. 
The amount spent on direct mail advertising dropped 2.1 per cent to $2.32 billion, while radio also fell 7.7 per cent to $534 million.

* information from AAA and ABS


If you are looking for a particular type of online marketing service which is not listed here please feel free to contact us for more information and a free quote. 

Online Marketing

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