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Investment Sales Leads Australia - Pay Per Lead

Price Per Lead: $20



Being an Australian based company we have a lot of work generating investment sales leads for all types of investment firms.


Our investment sales leads are highly qualified investment sales leads for the investment industry. We supply our investment sales leads to many Australian investment related companies both big and small and they use our investment sales leads to generate sales of their investment products and services.


Here is how our Investment sales leads are qualified;


We ask the following questions in order to qualify the Investment sales leads when speaking with the prospect:


To become a qualified investment lead, our investment leads must meet all of the requirements listed below.

  • Are you interested in investing? (must be a yes)


  • Do you have any current or previous investments?  (note in comments what they are)


  • Do you have $10,000-$30,000 to invest if you like our investment?


  • Are you a business owner or manager? (note in comments) 


  • Are you interested in returns of _____% per month?



*All personal information is also collected such as Full Name, Address, Phone Numbers, Email Address ect.



Here's some reasons why our Investment sales leads are higher quality than our competitors;


  • Our agents are trained to only submit Investment leads where the prospect is generally intersted, if at any point the prospect mentions that they aren't interested in investments/trading or says no then the agent is instructed to end the call and move on to the next one. 


  • All of our investment Leads are quality checked and all calls are listened to by our qualification team before being submitted to you. 


  • ​Our agents are not allowed to push prospects into answering the questions or receiving a follow up call.


  • We feel so confidant that our investment leads are the best quality possible that we offer a replacement policy on all of our investment leads generated under the pay per lead structure. 


  • We take the time and measures needed to ensure the team working on your campaign are properly trained and fully understand the product and/or service you are offering and their job at hand. 



Heres what our investment sales leads can do for your company;



  • Increase profits and sales for your company.


  • Motivate your sales team by providing higher quality investment sales leads. 


  • Increase productivity of your sales team by supplying sellable investment sales leads. 


  • Releive stress as the process and delivery of leads is simple easy and reliable.



These are the types of payments we offer for Investment sales leds;


Pay Per Lead - $20 per lead


Pay Per Hour - $16 per hour


* We also offer a 10% Discount for monthly orders. If you would like to take advantage of the monthly discount then please Contact Us and mention it in the email. 



For more information on our investment sales leads or to place an order please Contact Us today!




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