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Pay Per Hour Telemarketing & Lead Generation

Price Per Hour Per Agent From: $16



Our pay per hour telemarketing option is a favourite for those wanting more for their money as the team are able to not only produce the leads you require per week and have your weekly targets met but can also take the extra time to get semi-qualified leads in addition to those which are fully qualified by taking down details of those who just want some more information sent through without answering the qualifying questions, or by simply directing the potential customers to your website. This increases the opportunity for sales, leads and furthers the promotion of your business. 


The way pay per hour works is first you decide if you would like to work weekly or monthly;


Ordering Pay Per Hour Outbound Telemarketing Weekly


Weekly orders of telemarketing leads are based on a weekly basis, we do charge 2 weeks upfront to start your telemarketing campaign and moving forward payments will simply be required on the same day weekly. Leads are sent through each evening once they have been generated, quality checked and formatted for sending. 


When ordering pay per hour weekly telemarketing our telemarketing teams are set with a weekly goal to meet for the number of leads your business requires based on the hours worked, this is to create a standard and goal for the team to meet and hopefully exceed weekly. 


We simply require 1 weeks notice in writing to end your telemarketing campaign at any time. 


Ordering Pay Per Hour Telemarketing Monthly


Monthly orders are a hassal free way to not only ensure increased productivity due to the upfront financial backing which also allows us to put more into your team and campaign much faster which assists in growth with both the team and your business at a more rapid pace,, monthly orders also allow us to send leads through quickly and fix any quality issues quickly as well. 


We also offer a 10% discount on all monthly orders! 


Pricing Per Hour


Our price per hour is all inclusive and is as little as $16 per hour per agent


*Pricing may vary for difficult or complex camapigns.



If you are looking for a particular type of outbound telemarketing service which is not listed here please feel free tocontact us for more information and a free quote. 





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