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Telemarketing is the process of making marketing phone calls to business's or residents. Many people confuse telemarketing with telesales, where in fact the marketing and sales on the end of each clearly states the difference. Telemarketing is an opening call not a time to be closing sales.

Local Telemarketing

Local Telemarketing is where you target local business's or residents in order to market your products and/or services. Generally this is in the location of your business and the telemarketing agents will only be given leads to dial in your local area. Local telemarketing is great when it is for appointment setting or sales lead generation that will lead to you meeting up with the client or customer.

Country Wide Telemarketing

Country wide telemarketing is where you target the entire country where you wish to market your products and/or services. Country wide telemarketing is generally a mixture of leads from the whole country, country wide telemarketing can also be separated into focusing on certain postcodes or states at one time and then moving on to the next one as you go along until eventually covering the entire country. The telemarketing agents can of course then go over each state again as there will always be new clients available and circumstances of those not interested previously may have changed. Many country wide telemarketing campaigns will be for products and/or services are easy to deliver within the country at hand, are digital products and/or services, online products and/or online services or similar items.

International Telemarketing

International telemarketing is where you may target one or more international countries to market your products and/or services. Again you may start with one country at a time or have several countries runnnig at once depending on how you wish to work it. Telemarketing agents can be given certain countries states or areas to call at a time also. Generally international telemarketing will be used to telemarket products which are easy to deliver overseas, many international telemarketing campaigns are for online products and/or services, investments and digital products.

Business to Business Telemarketing

Business to business telemarketing otherwise known as B2B telemarketing is when you wish to target business's with your products and/or services. Basically it entails telemarketing agents dialing direct to business's and promoting the products and/or services, this can include generating sales leads, booking appointments or any other form of telemarketing.

Business to Consumer Telemarketing

Business to consumer telemarketing is for businesses who are targeting residents and consumers to market their products and/or services. In this case telemarketing agents would be targeting residential based leads or consumer lists. Telemarketing to consumers can be done for sales lead generation, building mailing lists, booking appointments or any other form of telemarketing.

Telemarketing can be used for any business type selling any type of products and/or services. The telemarketing process will generate leads, appointments, mailing lists or whatever you require in order to present your products and/or services to the customers you desire. Telemarketing makes it easy for your sales teams to work hot leads and close deals easily as they are generally qualified to your needs during the telemarketing process. There are different requirements for every business so customizing your telemarketing campaign is a good idea even if you have a script available from other telemarketing campaigns in the same industry with the same products then you should still look over the script to see if there are any changes you could make to ensure a higher quality lead or appointment from your telemarketing agents.

Quality Telemarketing

Quality telemarketing is a must, without the quality you are going to be loosing out on possible sales opportunities which may lead to spending more than you expect. Telemarketing is really a cold call to qualify your potential customers for a particular product and/or service. This being said every lead will not cross over to a sale however a minimum of 10% should certainly turn into sales depending on your industry standards. Quality of leads or appointments is one of the most important things when it comes to telemarketing so one should make a lot of effort in this area of telemarketing to ensure success. Telemarketing agents should be regularly trained on quality and should also be given feedback on their telemarketing techniques and results to ensure that the telemarketing agents quality is consistantly improving.

Telemarketing Targets

Telemarketing targets are an important factor in the telemarketing process, the telemarketing agents should have an idea of how many leads, appointments ect. are required per day or week to ensure the target is met. It is also great when purchasing per hour telemarketing or running your own in house telemarketing to have those telemarketing targets exceeded as long as it does not affect the quality of the telemarketing.

Telemarketing is great for all business's to utilize as an efficient marketing strategy and it can easily be sad that any business who is not using telemarketing is simply missing out on a lot of business out there.

If you would like telemarketing done for your business simply visit

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